The speaker for December was Kathy Cherven, a Registered Nurse and Grief Counselor. Ms. Cherven explained how she had gotten into the field of grief after working in the hospital for many years. Her journey was both personal and professional, and she explained the pathway.
Then Ms. Chervin explained the complexities of grief and the multi-dimensionality of it as well. She provided an analogy about how life is like a coin sitting on the top of your hand. It feels normal and then one day, the coin flips in a way that is beyond a person's control. Life is forever altered by the flip. The coin can never be flipped back the other way. And nothing is ever the same. She discussed how grief is different for ever person and sometimes people need someone to listen to them because that grieving person may not feel like they are being heard. That person may feel pressured to start "acting normal" and "getting over it" and "moving on with their life." Ms. Chervin explained that because that person's life has forever been altered, their life will never be the same and, therefore, the best way to help people going through grief is to accept and listen. And don't be afraid to mention the change. Grief can be the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, the loss of a relationship, the loss of purpose, the loss of an identity. People in grief are coping with changes from the flip of the coin. She also advocated seeking out assistance as one moves through the pathway of grief. Finding a person that will listen, whether that person is a professional or not may help a person during the grieving process. |
The Town Has Been Swathed in Pink for 2017 & 2018.
Breast Cancer Can Be Beat! September's event was a Breast Cancer Awareness program that had a two-fold design: supporting one of our members in her fight against breast cancer as well as providing the latest in information about breast cancer options. A big thank you to Terri Jacob, the Breast Nurse Navigator from Morris Community Hospital for providing information EVERY female from puberty to death needs to know!
Celebrate Your Mammo-Graham |
To find out more about the latest ins and outs of breast cancer, click on the power point provide.
100 Books Read and CountingMary Lee Howard is participating in the GFWC honorary education society of Epsilon Sigma Omicron (ESO), which promotes further self-enrichment AND higher learning. Congratulations, Mary Lee, for earning your Century Award certificate for reading 100 books!
First Place in EducationCongratulations to everyone who participated in Education on your first place award. The following were programs we covered last year: Freezer Meal Workshop, Scholarships, Journal Workshop, Redskins Helping Hands, Premier Graduation, Liberty Streets Art Festival Creative Village, Mental Health Over the Holidays, Book Club, etc.
Third Place in MembershipMWC is committed to providing social opportunities and growth for members, and 2016 was no exception: Pot Luck and Game Night, Sip and Paint with the EXibit, promotion of Morris Theater Guild, a summer Picnic in the Park, added a membership rally and Ovarian Awareness event in September, secret sister pal program, and a fun ornament and cookie exchange in December as well as membership themes.
Art@Narvick House September Scaring up Good Fun
Started two years ago as a way to enrich the creative experience of the developmentally disabled adult residents and guests of the Narvick House here in Morris, the program has provided on a monthly basis many fun Wednesday night seasonal crafts. During these difficult economic times for social service agencies in Illinois, programs enhancing creativity are the first to go. That is why MWC stepped in to provide this unique and much appreciated service.
From this year's MWC coordinator (Cailey Walker): "We had another fun night at the Narvick House crafting with residents in September. The residents made popsicle stick scarecrows, and we talked about the upcoming Corn Festival and their weekend bowling tournament. After the craft, snacks were served. It was a great night and all had lots of fun. Special thanks to Ann, Lynn, Donna and Nilsa for their help!" |
September ScarecrowsMembers socializing at the banquet. |
Fall Banquet Hits New High With Number of New Members Who Join!October 7, 2016 General Meeting NotesThe first official meeting of the year, started with a bang at Maria's Restaurant as the group celebrated the beginning of a fun year at the annual fall banquet.
Four new guests joined last night, with one more considering for the future. That increases our membership from 38 to 41. We have added 11 new members in the last 12 months, which is a 35% membership increase! Kudos to all the members who brought their friends into the club. A big hand to Julie Erickson, Vice President and membership chair, for her promotional efforts. Julie started the meeting off with some fun ice breaker games, including one to see how much members knew about their club. It was interesting to find out that 70-80% of all American libraries were started by Woman's Club chapters. The business meeting opened up with pledge, collect, and conservation pledge. New Business was the locating of our silver sets from the Methodist Church, our new website, and the January date change for the meeting from the 2nd to the 9th. Each Area of Interest chairperson gave a quick synopsis of upcoming events. |